2092 part 5 free sample

something behind your eyes you just can’t put your finger one. At times my long hair gets to the side close to my eyes and I get a feeling that someone or something is watching me. I can feel it right now from the corner behind me, from the window. But I just breath and consider the reality tunnel options. All this convinces me that my next acid trip if there is such a one will not be my “final hit” or “next to last song” but well, the one that just either makes me lose some reality tunnel vision or adds to it. The veil might be too thin right? I´m probably not going to end up

Venus in furs and the shredding of Sadoschook

So; yesterday me and my partner saw ”Venus in furs” from 1969 by Jesus Franco. There is also another ”Venus in furs” from 1969 which is also Eurosleaze but well, we quickly disregarded that. Some scenese were just… Too much. Young boy being sexual with a grown woman (playing his mother) and such.

Anyway, this was my second viewing of Francos ”furs” and I am just as bewildered and frustrated as the first time. Many scenes play several times and as with many movies by Franco the 1.30 minutes feels like at least 2 hours; mostly in a bad way.

There are some qualities. The ”Rita” role brings representation and there are some nice late 1960s popart filters. Klaus Kinski looks as weird as always supposedly playing an arab. There is a uncredited Paul Mueller acting drunk and looking as he always did.

Manfred Mann did the soundtrack and appears in two scenes. One scene seems to be taken from other material. He then seems very uncomfortable jamming with Franco (also uncredit). Manns role is uncredited but he gets credit for the music.

Well, a nice reviewing in a way.

I did say I would delete my Franco-related material on December 30, 2023 but the deletion takes play today, November 12. Shredding and moving on.

The idea was to make 200 trailers for ”Sadoschoock”, the sequel ”The Oasis of Dr Orlovsky” (which is a metasequel based upon the trailers” and ”The tentacles of Dr Orlovsky”. ”Tentacles” will not get made. I then went to ”Welcome to the Dark ages” in 2017 as one of 400 since the KLF released a novel called 2023.

I decided to make ”Megaschcoook” as a fourth movie some time later and to make 200 trailers for that. There will be no short film. The idea was to bridge ”The KLF” with Franco. The only connection is the various aliases used in art and well, ”the 400 trailer project” never happened. There is another ”Toxteth day of the dead” (which happens every year since November 23, 2018) and 2023 is a bit bigger since the novel and all. I will be one of the ”Nu 400” so the 400 thing still happens.

That is all. If you have an interest in the Franco material it is available on USB on https://ko-fi.com/priesverhon – go follow me on pfkrich @ instagram too. That is all. Shred. Moving on.

2092 – 3

Excerpts from ”2092” (the reviews mainly)

As you may already know, I did write the sequel novels to ”2023” as Pries Verhon and as forced futuristic art projects. Both ”2046” and ”2069” exists in three hardcover variants exlusively on Amazon (yes, I do get the irony and there is a reason for using Amazon since #ihateamazaba and all that) so there is that.A review of “Best before death” as another interludeAs you may already know, I did write the sequel novels to ”2023” as Pries Verhon and as forced futuristic art projects. Both ”2046” and ”2069” exists in three hardcover variants exlusively on Amazon (yes, I do get the irony and there is a reason for using Amazon since #ihateamazaba and all that) so there is that.

Variant 1 of ”2046” is the shortest and is available to purchase using this link:


The cost is of course 20.46 UK pounds. The second variant is longer and will also only be available at Amazon as hardcover only. It will see a release on August 23, 2022 for obvious reasons. On August 23, 2023 the third and longest variant of ”2046” will be released on Amazon as hardcover only.

Variant 1 of ”2069” is the longest and is available to purchase using this link:


The cost is of course 20.69 UK pounds. The second variant is shorter and will also only be available at Amazon as hardcover only. It will see a release on August 23, 2022 for obvious reasons. On August 23, 2023 the third and shortest variant of ”2069” will be released on Amazon as hardcover only.

I -am- currently writing the third and final (?) sequel to ”2023” as a ”Project Um book” and it is for obvious reasons called ”2092” and it will have 52 pages like almost all Project Um Book has.

This blog entry will feature excerpts from ”2092” but only excerpts from the reviews of ”Best before death” and ”Who killed the KLF” and well, you will have to wait for me to finish writing ”2092” and then buy it as paperback only, exclusivly on Amazon to get the full story. It will cost 20.92 UK pounds naturally and I plan to release it June 23, 2022.

It is being written as we speak.

This is the excerpts!

Who killed the KLF interlude

I did not move on from being at “Welcome to the dark ages” built by the JAMS in 2017 which is quite obvious. It is actually happening you see. “Who killed the KLF?” directed by Christ Atkins (well, Christ Atkins to spell it correct. will have a cinema screening at Kulturhuset, Stadsteatern, Klarabiografen at Sergels Torg, Stockholm Sweden this Thursday, May 12, 2022. The movie is almost 1 hour and 30 minutes long and starts at 19:00 sharp with no commercials or stuff like that.

My reference number is 1218927465594 and my order number is 1656986. My aisle number is 2 so right up front and I will be seated at seat number five. I am very excited.

Regarding Paul Duane: His page number in “2023” is “183” and he is part of “Chapter 4: Shibboleth now” so there is that. This can be fact-checked by purchasing the paperback edition of “2023” in the back, under “The keeper of the pages” which mentions “The 400” well at least most of “The 400” by name or alias. There you have it.

A review of “Best before death” as another interlude

I have my own Vimeo account to but well, there is at the moment only a few trailers to those films I have been making. And this is not about those. I still need to establish the fact that I did indeed join Vimeo on November 23, 2020.

First some facts about the documentary. It is around 1 hour and thirty minutes long and it was added to Vimeo by Anti-World on November 17, 2020. I saw it on May 5, 2022, so I took my sweet time to getting around to it.

There are also some discussions about Bills young life and how the making beds came about. Well, he is constructing a bed and that is part of his art tour. Bill explains how he actually did a construction of a bed for the final show at an art school he attended in his youth. It is quite fascinating to have Bill talk about those times and how it has shaped him.

Another interesting story is how Bill talks about how his father was a preacher and how they had lived in Lexington for three months when he was ten years old.

The photographs that end the film are spectacular. And it is a treat to see Bill do his paintings and also to see him submerge into the water. He of course submerges into the Ganges.

A review of “Who killed the KLF” as another interlude

To re-write or write about things more than once is not a crime or a sin really. That is basically what I have done with both “2046” and “2069” so it´s all very meta and well, so it goes. Still, this interlude is not really about that so let´s get back to the subject matter at hand, shall we?

A lot of persons were at the place to see “Morbror Janne” at the large theatre scene but well, I just went in to the theatre bar and tried to get a “flat white latte” for oh so many obvious reasons.

I started an Instagram live and just read from page 255 (in 2023) until the chapter ended for again, very obvious reasons. I had then around 10 minutes before the movie was set to begin so I got in line. I was then told that if I had a ticket I could just entered. I showed my printed ticket (which I still have for obvious reasons) and entered the movie theatre. I will probably place the printed ticket and some random pages from “2046: Variant 2” when I place that Umbrick.

The movie then started at 19:00 as advertised. No introduction, no trailers, no commercials.

This documentary really tells a lot of the history of “The JAMS” and of what happened from the 1950´s and onwards. We as viewers are treated to the original “Principia Discordia” and some footage of one of the writers explaining the things. There are also discussions about “The illuminatus! Trilogy” and some footage of Ken Campbell talking about the stage play and such. Also, some actual footage from said play which is a treat. There is also the story of Bill´s involvement, Jimmys “Lord of the rings” poster and other information of historical value.

The documentary also covers “Que sera sera” with the Red Army choir and such. There is no real mention (as I remember) of “Fuck the millennium” but hey, the documentary is close to 1 hour and 30 minutes and some material can be dropped.

The documentary ends with a telling of the return of “The KLF” to the music industry on Spotify and well, that is it.

I can highly recommend “Who killed the KLF” so go and see it. Try to catch it in a movie theatre if possible but hey, streaming will probably happen. Enjoy!

There you go! As mentioned, the full reviews will -only- be available in ”2092” the short story so do enjoy that. I will alert you when the paperback is available. There will be no e-book. Paperback only, exclusive on Amazon.

If you would like to support the worlds first (and probably only) forced futuristic artist please do like this:

The above should lead you to: https://www.amazon.com/Pries-Verhon/e/B07HG3BFYG but perhaps it does not so much.

Anyway, my Amazon page can be reached to buy my books.

https://priesverhon.bandcamp.com/ to get my ”music” so do enjoy! Mostly AbSynth House and AbSynth Trance.

https://ko-fi.com/priesverhon to get umbricks, buy prints or just support me with a coffee.

https://ello.co/pries_verhon – various arts.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3V2I2Ljx6l757oxhdDUFw – Youtube

https://soundcloud.com/pries-verhon/tracks – more music.

https://www.instagram.com/oasisverhon/ for one of my many instagram accounts.

So, well this might be a lot of self-promotion and might be a bit of a stretch but so it goes.

Flykting eller flykting


Detta då det enligt SD är skillnad på folk och folk. De från Ukraina är ”mer som oss” och ”kristna” i jämförelse med syrier. Ungefär 10% av de som bor i Syrien är förvisso flyktingar om nu det spelar roll. Religion är således relevant enligt SD. Christopher Larsson menar att de är ”liknade som vi” vilket är ett rätt knäppt uttalande. Han menar att det finns plats för riktiga flyktingar. Känns ju som att kriget i Syrien är tämligen riktigt.

Citat: ”– När det kommer 9 000 afghaner blir det svårare. Deras kultur krockar med vår. Ukrainarna är ju i någon mening mer västerländska. Mer som vi som människor. De vill försörja sig.” Rasism? Läs igen. Ja. Så lite om Afrika: ”– Såna som kommer nere från Afrika – det är ett jävla tjuvpack, säger han. De stjäl och våldtar och mördar och knarkar och fan vet vad de håller på med.” Detta alltså från en väljare från SD. Lite om toaletter och sådant får man med också; detta då män från mellanöstern enligt SD kan bete sig illa med sådant: ”– Det handlar kanske om att man inte berättar för människor vad som förväntas av dem. Men de som bor i Ukraina har ju vattenklosetter och kök, även om det är mycket gas där.” Hade det varit mer gas så hade det således varit svårare att hantera en toalett antar jag.

Läs gärna artikeln, flera rasistiska uttalanden där.

The second forced futuristic art exhibition




A forced futuristic art project







Art first, politics second


Umbrick 6 placed

Welcome to the dark ages. Presented by Pries Verhon. A Forced futuristic art project. Filmed March 1, 2021 and connected to events in 2017. CELLS INTERLINKED CONSTELLATIONS #toxtethdayofthedead​ The peoples pyramid will be built #tdotd​ More bricks will be placed. They will -not- be part of the peoples pyramid. #toxtethdayofthedead2021​ Material used: A brick. Nail polish. Transit Kings sticker. Placement of brick: Somewhere in Stockholm, Sweden. #the400​ Remember: #dream2021​ – #dream2023​ Umbrick 6 placed. Hail Eris, Hail Discordia #ffa​ and #pfk​ Prophet 23 * #umbrick​ #dream2021​ #dream2023


32 years after the original release,you can now stream or watch the original Timelords video on The KLFs very own You tube channel..🚓🚓📡The Timelords – Doctorin’ The Tardis (Official Video) https://youtu.be/DsAVx0u9Cw4 via @YouTube

Coffe is the fuel of the revolution. #dream2020 – #dream2023


